Day: August 23, 2021

How Can CBD Oil Help With Panic Attacks?How Can CBD Oil Help With Panic Attacks?

One in four people suffers from some form of anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health concern, but it can be difficult to know how to help because not many understand what a panic attack is like or why you would get them at all. A lot of people think they’re crazy for feeling as though something bad will happen and then find themselves having an episode that confirms their fears; this means constantly living with dread while trying to manage your reactions becomes exhausting if left untreated. According to the American Psychiatric Association, panic attacks are a debilitating condition that affects millions of people every year. The majority of their victims (around 75%) are women who experience extreme anxiety and fear for no obvious reason. 

Unbeknownst to many sufferers is one possible explanation: they may be having symptoms caused by an underlying medical issue or mental health disorder such as depression, post-traumatic stress syndrome among others. Exploring different treatments can help you overcome those complications in order to live a life free from worry!

Symptoms Of Developing A Panic Attack

As you are reading this, do you feel your heart racing and adrenaline rushing through your veins? Maybe the fear of what may happen has paralyzed or will soon paralyze. Anxiety can be debilitating for some people because it leads to major panic attacks that strike without any warning. This is why many sufferers avoid places which they believe could cause another attack. But avoiding these situations won’t solve anything! There must be a way to get rid of anxiety before an episode ever occurs in the first place- perhaps with therapy or medication prescribed by professionals like Drs Fowkes & Cohen from Northside Psychiatrists Medical Group LLC who specialize in mental health disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) – Panic Disorder – Social Phobia

A panic attack is an intense feeling of terror and fear that can come in waves. The symptoms may include: rapid heart rate, increased blood pressure, dizziness or lightheadedness, profuse sweating/shaking limbs (or feelings), chest pain – as if it’s hard to breathe.

If you experience these signs for the first time during a period where they have been stable beforehand with no acute trigger such as trauma or drug use then go see your doctor immediately!

Can CBD Oil Relieve Panic Attack Symptoms?

According to thebellevuereporte journal, CBD oil has been shown to help people manage stressful and anxious situations with ease. CBD can reduce the anxiety resulting in a panic attack, which further leads them on an unstable path of fearing impending doom. Some disorders that have seen improvement from the use of this product is a phobia, bipolar disorder, PTSD social anxieties such as those caused by public speaking or fear for safety when interacting with others, and insomnia among many other conditions; all without any dangerous side effects associated closely serotonin inhibitors like SSRIs (e.g., Prozac).

CBD oil helps you lower your stress levels through these various types of disorders while also providing relief for more serious ailments such as Parkinson’s disease symptoms including tremors or chronic pain management

Research into the effectiveness of CBD on panic disorder has shown promising results.

Research investigating the effects that cannabidiol (CBD) may have on people with anxiety and depression is proving to be favorable thus far, according to experts in neurology, psychiatry, cancer research and addiction medicine who are studying this new compound for its ability to combat these conditions without producing any psychoactive side-effects as THC does.

How Can You Use CBD For Panic Attacks

CBD is a natural compound found in cannabis and hemp plants. It has been used to treat anxiety, depression, insomnia issues, chronic pain management; it can also be taken for panic attacks – which isn’t always an easy fix!

You may take CBD oil by mouth or inhale it with vaporizers like oils are often more potent when ingested orally than smoked and vaping delivers the effects faster as well. Capsules dissolve under your tongue while topical concentrates work on localized areas of nerves just beneath skin level such as around sore joints or muscles that cause headaches.


CBD oil drops are a convenient way to consume the drug. You can place them under your tongue and hold for 60 seconds before swallowing, allowing it to reach your bloodstream through blood vessels in that time span. CBD oils prove beneficial if you feel an attack is on the way or want to keep calm during stressful situations by relaxing nerves.

CBD Vape

Vaporizing CBD oil is a revolutionary way to experience the healing properties of cannabidiol. This potent extract may be heated and inhaled through an electronic device called a vape pen, which allows for quick absorption into your bloodstream without being combusted in smoke like traditional cannabis flowers would require.

CBD Capsules

CBD Capsules or gummies are another way of consuming the drugs. For most people, oil is hard to consume; therefore, they prefer capsules over oil for quick relief from anxiety. This method takes 30-90 minutes and leads to more extended relief than smoking does!


CBD oil has shown promise as an effective treatment for anxiety and panic disorders. If you are feeling anxious about speaking in public, CBD can help relieve your symptoms so that the experience is less stressful for both parties involved. Consult with your doctor to find out if it’s right for you! 

For example, a male participant took an oral dose of 300 mg CBD 90 minutes before the public speaking test. It resulted in successfully reducing their anxiety and being able to speak without fear for 3-5 hours after consuming it. You can also experiment with different dosages depending on your lifestyle, the intensity of panic attacks, metabolism, and weight by following the steps below:

“Step 1 – Find out how much you are willing to spend monthly.” 

“Step 2 – Decide what dosage is best suited for you based on other factors such as medical conditions or age if under 18 years old.”


CBD is a safe alternative to current treatments, which come with side effects like weight gain or loss. The best option among many variations available is CBD oil; however, capsules, edibles, and vaporizers are also available at your convenience!

Various scientific studies have also backed the effectiveness of CBD oil for panic attacks. Today, it is used by the public to combat their anxiety and other mental health issues that they may be struggling with.